We are always teaching people how to treat us

The conversation on No BS with Jen & Jess touched on standards in terms of existing norms at the workplace.

And we danced on the edge of standards in our personal relationships.

The quote from Vhance Valencia can be applied directly to our personal relationships

What norms have you established for people to follow when it come to honoring you and the people around you?

Have you got your copy of Lean & L❤️ve🤔

#5SLoveletters #NoBStribe #selfimprovement

Get your copy of Lean & Love 5S Love letters https://www.depthbuilder.com/5s

For some thoughts intended to inspire your thinking check out our Monday Morning Hugs at: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnVikYCgUE4GwiOGdkM40T3XeautQEKey

Interested in learning more about The Last Planner System, Lean Construction, 8 Wastes, Visual Management, Daily Huddles, PPC, A3 thinking, Problem Solving, Construction Change Makers, Gemba or 5s check out: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnVikYCgUE4GLOREN5ORFT8aUHo81YRcP

For Interviews with Construction Professionals that have built amazing Careers check out: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnVikYCgUE4E8tF0qJU9FBBrG3zoubELt

#motivation #selfimprovement #relationships