June 15, 2022

Making the Construction Industry a Better Place for Women with Christi Powell

In a world that’s so demanding and fast-paced, it’s important that we slow down and connect with ourselves and each other. That’s the main lesson this week’s guest has learned (and is still learning) along her career path. 


In this episode, I welcome Christi Powell, Co-Founder of Women Confidence Builders, WBE-certified Sales Representative for 84 Lumber, and co-host of the Women Talk Construction podcast. After working in male-dominated industries for 27 years, once she started working in in the construction industry and meeting more women in the field, Christi began reflecting and rediscovering herself as a woman.


Listen in to learn about Christi’s adventurous career path and how she’s not only finding success in her own career, but helping women grow and thrive in the construction field and other non-traditional careers.


“I had no idea what kind of energy I was using to keep anybody from knowing who I was, including myself.”                           - Christi Powell


What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

·       How Christi rediscovered and learned more about herself through her faith and her career.

·       Why it’s important to slow down in your career, especially when transitioning to a new role and/or industry.

·       What it’s like to move from a male-dominated workplace to a workplace and role that’s more diverse and emotional.

·       How therapy can enhance your career and your relationship with yourself.

·       The #1 game-changing resource that helped Christi create healthy mindset shifts.

·       How she’s working with the WBENC to create change in the world of business and making the trades/construction industry a better workplace for women.

·       The inspiration behind Women Talk Construction, Christi’s new podcast about helping women grow in the construction field and other non-traditional careers.

·       The key to working through any challenge: Your own personal advisory council!

·       Christi’s Learning and Misstep: Learning how to slow down and say “no” in a demanding, fast-paced world.


Connect with Christi:

Connect with her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christi-powell-99023b1b 

Listen to the Women Talk Construction podcast: https://womentalkconstruction.com 


Resources Mentioned: 

Learn more about Women Confidence Builders: https://womentalkconstruction.com/wcb  

Get the WBENC Certification: https://www.wbenc.org/certification 

Skilled Trades Alliance: https://skilledtradesalliance.net

Seven Principles by Henry Nutt III: https://amzn.to/3tqlQl0 

Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown: https://brenebrown.com/book/braving-the-wilderness 

Women Builders Council: https://wbcnyc.org

Associated Builders and Contractors: https://www.abc.org