July 21, 2021

Calabo-Session #4 Managing Constraints

Felipe Engineer Manriquez and Jesse keep the momentum going into Chapter 4 of The Lean Builder. They start off with Constraint Management and true to form they vere off into their war stories which touch on a new set of KPIs, keeping trade parnters engaged and unsustainable success. And they didnt stop there somehow they came up with the hashtag #youcompleteus. Join in for some laughs and some Learning.

Contribute to the Mission at: https://www.patreon.com/learninsnmissteps

Connect with Felipe at: https://www.theebfcshow.com/

Connect with us at: https://www.learningsandmissteps.com/

Catch Felipes conversation with Fernanda at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTglZZINmaw