Leadership and Overcoming Adversity: Interview with Dr. Giovanna Brasfield

In the second part of my conversation with Dr. Giovanna Brasfield, we discuss the importance of credibility for aspiring leaders and how to maintain it. A significant topic of the discussion revolves around the concept of 'stinking thinking' which Dr. G seeks to remove. She emphasizes the importance of positivity and shares personal anecdotes about how she navigates adversities. Dr. G also shares her methods for inspiring other leaders and how she manages to push forward when faced with obstacles. The conversation also highlights the importance of positive outlook, vulnerability, having a mentor, focusing on one's calling, and the balance between rest and productivity in a day. Furthermore, Dr. G shares about her upcoming book which will discuss these themes in depth.

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00:00 Introduction and Welcome Back
01:44 Maintaining Credibility as a Leader
02:07 Overcoming Adversity and Staying Positive
07:15 The Power of Mentorship and Coaching
09:26 The Role of a Tribe in Personal and Professional Growth
10:42 The Importance of Vulnerability and Sharing Personal Stories
13:22 Embracing and Supporting Differences
17:22 The Lion's Way: Protecting the Herd
17:41 Fatherhood Regrets and Opportunities
18:00 The Path Forward: Building Relationships
18:28 Writing a Book: Behind My Smile
19:31 Finding Your Calling: The Recipe
21:06 Reflection and Introspection: A Daily Habit
22:28 The Importance of Sleep: A Personal Perspective
23:58 The Promise: Removing Barriers for the Overlooked
25:10 The Power of Friendship: A Candid Conversation
26:56 Becoming the Promise: A Journey of Hope
28:09 Closing Thoughts: Be Kind, Be Cool