Sept. 11, 2023

If youre looking for the spotlight, youre doing it wrong MMH

So you have big goals, you cant wait for people to ask the tired "where do you see yourself in 5 years" and knock their socks off.

But are you puttin in the work? Have you listed out the daily inputs necessary?

Why dont you talk about the boring vanilla pedestrian work?

Could it be youre fabricating an early shot under the spotlight?

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You do not shine in the bright light. The bright lights only reveal. The hard work you did in the dark. I just heard that quote, I'm on a bike ride and I'm like, oh damn, I gotta, pump the brakes here and expand on that thought. for me, it clearly reminds me back in the day when I was playing ball, seeking out the highlight reel. I used to chop myself, I was an outfielder, so I used to chop my steps on purpose. So that I would be forced to dive for the ball. Everybody thought I was just diving in an aggressive fielder, but the people that really knew knew that I was just chopping my steps and fabricating the situation, because I was chasing the lights. I was chasing the bright lights. today, you know, let's just say 30 years down the road, um, I recognize that it's the hard work, the intentional small steps, that get us to where we want to be. And all we got to do is stay the course, keep taking the small steps, keep carrying water and chopping wood. And then the spotlight will shine a light on all the hard work we did. So the question to you is, are you carrying water and chopping wood? Are you chasing them highlight reels? Be cool. And we'll talk at you next time. Peace.