July 31, 2023

Be a make it happener

This thought is on complaining. More specifically its about redirecting the energy used to complain towards helping others.

Have you ever thought to yourself "I really like talking to whats his name, his complaints are super valid"

I choose to only complain about things that I am prepared to take action on.

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This thought is about going from being a complainer,like a chronic complainer,to a make it happener.Yes,that's an official term that I just came up with.and it's a reflection of my life.Early in my career,it was very easy for me to identify people's shortcomings in the workplace.And there was this one individual in particular who really,really just irked me,man.He made my butt itch.And I would like,I'd have a list of all his deficiencies,all his shortcomings,all the poor decisions that he made,the lack of leadership he displayed.I would tell people about it.I would tell my bosses about it.Uh,and finally,like his boss worked in a different city.So I sat down with his boss and I'm like,Hey man,we really need to talk.And I'm going through my list of complaints,all the issues,all of which I had support,right?I wasn't the only person that wasn't satisfied with his support.And the gentleman asked me,he says,Jess,like I didn't realize that he had these many issues.He said,I'm going to verify them.He didn't argue.And he's like,but Jess,you spend more time with them than I do.Is there any way you can help him?And right there in the moment,like my brain shifted.Because all this time,all I was doing was sitting around waiting for him to screw up.So that I could pounce and add it to my list and go and be a damn tattletale.Instead of taking action and helping the gentleman improve.And so,this is for us chronic complainers out there.there.The things that you see may not be obvious to everybody and you have a choice.You can either let them eat you up and keep you discontent or you could use that list of complaints as a list for support.So my question to you is how are you going to live your life?Be cool and we'll talk at you next time peace