June 8, 2021

Outsourcing, What was I waiting for?

This thought may be useful to you if you are as delusional as I am. By delusional I mean being driven by changing the world, sharing your voice and leaving things better than you find them. My guess is your energy cant help but generate new ideas that compel you into action. 

This is where things get sticky, this drive causes us to take on more tasks without shedding other tasks because everything is so important to us. This is a Misstep, I promise! 

Ive learned that many tasks can be outsourced, more importantly outsourcing expands the amount of Value I can provide to my community. So heres my novice view of setting yourself up for outsourcing:

- generate a list of the tasks you do on the regular

- generate a list of steps for each of those tasks

- Make these lists super visual 

- Find resources that can take on these tasks

- establish a feedback loop with whomever you have outsourced to

If thats scary, start with one small thing. My first step in outsourcing was the responsibility of mowing the lawn, little by little Ive added to that list and guess what Now we got a Podcast and a Blog.