Learnings and Missteps The Podcast

The Learnings and Missteps Podcast is about unconventional roads to success and the life lessons learned along the way.
You will find a library of interviews packed with actionable take aways that you can apply as you progress on your path.

Through these interviews yo will learn about the buttons you can push to Become the Promise You are Intended to Be.

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Recent Episode Library

April 25, 2024

From Plumbing to the Boardroom A Tale of Leadership Evolution

From my early days as a plumbing apprentice to a seat at the senior management table, my path has been anything but predictable. Along the way, I've discovered that the essence of leadership is not just about giving orders b…
April 18, 2024

Embracing Leadership That Connects and Cultivates Team Success with Victoria Fusco

When Victoria Fusco, leadership maestro of The Leader HQ, shares her wisdom, you can't help but sit up and take notice. Our conversation travels from her early career beginnings to her current role as a cultivator of leaders…
April 10, 2024

Evolving Ecosystems The What and How of Change Management with Albert Oktovianus

Are you navigating the waves of change in the digital era? Lean in as Albert Octovianus, the LinkedIn luminary and maestro of change management, unravels the fabric of digital transformation, focusing on the human element wi…
April 4, 2024

Solo Cast on Transforming Shame into Shared Wisdom

Ever found yourself shackled by the chains of a victim mindset? Come along as I, Jesse, candidly unravel my own transformation from passivity to empowerment in this solo-cast that could very well mirror your own quest for se…
March 29, 2024

Building Bridges in Leadership and Modular Construction Advances with Sneha Kumari

Have you ever wondered what it takes to truly inspire and empower a team? Our conversation with Ms. Sneha takes us through the labyrinth of leadership, from the factory floor to the cutting edge of modular construction. Sneh…
March 22, 2024

Strength, Balance, and Community: Mayra Martinez's Journey Through Adversity in the Electrical Industry

Mayra Martinez's story isn't just about overcoming obstacles; it's a beacon of hope that illuminates the strength of the human spirit. Join us on an emotional journey with the tenacious founder of M-squared Talent Solutions,…

Recent Blog Posts

Yes I am a Trades Advocate, but why?

Yes I support Careers in the Trades and yes there is a an argument to be had about debt to income ratio around folks that enter the workforce after University and folks that go directly into the workforce. But that is not why I am a Trades Advocate.…

When are we Influencing Others?

This thought comes from some gracious and caring feedback I receieved upon my exit from my former Employer. Which, by the way, was a pleasant experience for me.  First lets start with the background: I have a ravenous appetite for feedback and…

For the Adventurer

This one is for you! Stepping out on a new path, only you can see. The path has haunted your thoughts and your decisions. It calls to you in the subtlest ways, just when your conforming to the comforts of practicality it pops up and wags its tail. B…